
Lil' Bobble Head

The tama is proportionally big compared to the ken, this allows the ken to lock into a bigger bevel, making stilts an absolute breeze~

A thick and stubby sarado stores the majority of the weight, giving it a nasty lunar balance >:)

Where is the slip ring? Its right there! Kinda. The shape is too small to have a functional slip ring without taking up room for hand placement. The small bump is there to maintain tradition.


Jiggly Paint

The cups are painted instead of the tama. Missed spikes will no longer ruin the aesthetic of your tama :)

No licking! Jiggly Paint on the bevel cushions impact, without the need to be licked.

The paint only needs to be wiped with a damp piece of paper to remove grease when necessary.



What is that on top of the tama and what is it for?